Stress Management Consultation

Learn with this method to Let go of Stress and Anxiety Naturally

What does it mean to live a balanced life? During these consultations you will be guided to live a more balanced life. You will learn certain techniques that will help you create peaceful moments in your life. The aim is to balance your body, mind and soul.     

BOOK a 15-MINUTE FREE CALL with our therapist, Andi


What is Stress Management Consultation  

Stress Management Consultation is a private and personal session with our expert who can help you reduce your stress level. Through in-depth discussions Andi helps you pin-point certain areas in your life that causes you anxiety. Then, she designs for you a unique yoga sequence that you can practice at home daily. Additionally, you will be advised on most suitable diet, and other important lifestyle practices. The main aim of this therapy is to improve the quality of your life. Not only will you learn health supporting physical exercise but will gain insight into yogic deep breathing to balance your body with your mind. It is a fully natural therapy that works on the long term.

During the course of the consultation you will be advised to follow specific tasks that will improve your overall wellbeing. Through the practices you will become stronger and deal with stress better. Occasionally, brilliant herbal preparations will be added to support you along the way. Stress Management Consultation is a complex programme that helps you find and remove the underlying factors in your life that cause you anxiety and stress.

Introducing healthy habits into your daily life takes time. Changing habits takes even more time. Gradually, through simple, daily tasks like walking, you will feel the grounding effect of the therapy.

How long does it take for stress to go away

Everyone is different, so it is difficult to say. But one thing is sure: once session won’t be enough. Think about how long it took you to get to this stress level? Certainly, more than a month. So, you will need a few sessions to remove the causes from your life that makes you feel unwell.

Introducing healthy habits takes time

You will need to turn your life around a bit and it takes time. But we can say, that usually you will need a minimum of 3 months if your symptoms are mild. If your symptoms are more serious, please allow yourself a year with monthly visits to your therapists to fully benefit from the sessions. 

Your visits to Andi will kick off with an in-depth personal consultation. During this assessment the stress causing factors will be identified. 

Then, it will be followed up with monthly sessions, where you will be given simple, daily activities to eliminate the stress causing factors from your life. (Changing habits takes time, but gradually through your daily tasks (homework) you will feel the grounding effect of a well balanced life.

How to live in harmony with Nature? At Hamsa Studio we follow the steps of the ancient tradition of Yoga and Ayurveda. Aligning body, mind and soul through special, daily practices that support health and the sense of wellbeing.

How does Consultation work

You will get a complete stress release programme containing daily practices, herbal preparations, and meditation. 

You will learn how to create physical and mental health through specific daily routines. 

More specifically, you will be given written a detailed, written letter containing the tasks for the following month. These suggestions will be designed specially for you.

Each month, these individualised guidelines will get more and more refined, guiding you to a less stressful life.

We aim to show you how to live a healthier and more purpose-filled life one-step-at-a-time.

The primary aim of this therapy is to help you create such a balanced lifestyle where you feel content and good with yourself

We are here to help you! You will be give an entire stress reduction programme, which will contain seasonally changing yoga routines, breathing practices and suitable diet.

When to choose this Personal Consultation

You may benefit from choosing this natural therapy if you suffer from stress and anxiety. Any of the following problems can be stress related: insomnia, night sweats, constant worry, unstoppable thinking, regular tummy and/or headaches, hair loss, ticks, muscle spasms, nightmares, ringing ears, loss of appetite, crying spells, shallow breathing, lack of lust for life = ‘loss of mojo’. As you can see the list is long but you will be helped and through a better suiting life-style anxiety will reduce.

Imagine, eliminating wrong habits and replacing them with nurturing ones that help you live a better life. You will also learn how to prepare simple, healing herbal infusions, spice mixes that you can use every day. Imagine doing yoga each morning, using your very own yoga sequence, which you enjoy doing.

Yoga and meditation helps in stress management. Do it regularly and you will feel better!

Physical symptoms of anxiety

Insomnia, IBS, nightmares, constant worry, tummy aches, headaches, hair loss, ticks, muscle spasms, ringing ears, palpitation, restless legs, loss of appetite… 

Consultation takes place IN-PERSON AT HAMSA STUDIO, or ONLINE via ZOOM. An initial 60-minute long discussion involves in-depth assessment to find your personal needs.

What to do when anxious and stressed

Find a good therapist! How do I know if I have a suitable therapist? You understand clearly what she says and you feel trust towards her

Commit to your therapy and follow the guidelines! The main goal is to help you, so try to implement the suggested changes in your daily life for best possible result

Be honest! Share your difficulties and success stories with your therapist. Your honesty will help her find the best possible way to heal you

Be diligent and put your effort into it! Do your individualised ayurvedic yoga practice, self-massage, and take your herbal preparations as they all serve one thing: helping you to get rid of your anxiety and stress. 


FYI. Natural healing takes time. Be ready to give yourself time till you learn to live a calmer life

Once you incorporate our therapist’s health supporting practices your daily life will turn enjoyable

The road to creating a balanced and harmonious life is not short. But, no matter how long it takes you will surely find a calmer You along the way…

How long do I need to go to therapy

It depends on your condition but expect four-six months of work, visiting your therapist every third week

During each session you are taught specific techniques to replace undesirable habits with healthy ones

As you establish a steady routine the stress level will gradually reduce

These daily, wellbeing supportive ayurvedic yoga practices will help you stay on track of a stress-free life

Keep in mind! The length of a stress release therapy can vary largely as it depends on your personal problem

However, you may expect positive changes within a couple of months if you do your homework diligently 🙂 

Our therapist will be on your side as long you need her! She will address each of your doubts, questions and help you till you feel confident

You will use organic, medicated oils, herbs and teas to gently detoxify your body and strengthen your mind

How to reduce stress and anxiety

Do your best to integrate wellbeing routines into your daily life. These routines will balance your body, mind and spirit

Trust your therapist! She is on your side and readily available when you need her. Following step-by-step her suggestions will result in you feeling stronger and healthier each week

Take time to eat and eat well

Spare time for physical activities: do the movement therapy you are given

Take time to sit down and empty your mind, regular meditation is a great medicine 

Breathe deeply and slowly each day for a few minutes. In yoga class you learn how to do that

Go walking daily, enjoy the fresh air and find little beauties on your way

Meet a friend spontaneously! Do not plan everything just do a few thing without purpose ☝️ TOP TIPS ☝️

This therapy natural is personal, adaptable and intuitive

You will get a Healing Manual with top natural health tips. You can keep this for the rest of your life

We give you a unique, Personalised Healing Manual  

After each therapy session, you will get detailed written notes about your state and personal tasks. These notes will contain specific suggestions on how to reduce your stress level. This manual will serve as your guide to healing.

It will contain various practices of meditation and yoga to improve your daily life

It will list what herbs to use for cooking, and take as daily supplements

You will get clear guideline to what to eat and drink for stress relief

Specific medicated oils will be suggested and explanation given on how to use them 

Your special daily yoga practice will be described in the manual: exercises as much as breathing techniques for each season

You will get top tips for best suiting, seasonal and healthy cooking

Practicing them every day your lifestyle will improve. These practices are based on the ancient Veda. The science of life, which is ayurveda, and the freeing of your spirit, which is yoga

Further more, you will learn mantras and listen to special music for relaxing at home 

The manual will contain affirmation notes as well to help you commit to your healing

Advice will be given on best suiting essential oil and colour therapy to purify your energy body

Stress management therapy aid

Our aim is to help you find a way to live your life stress free

We teach you how to cope with stressful situations

We show you how to develop resilience that help you cope with difficult life situations.

Through yoga you developing mental and emotional strength, while your bodily immunity grows

We provide you with practical, effective, and seasonally changing ayurveda yoga routines

Our aid is based on ancient, full proof yogic and ayurvedic methods

We use excellent, certified products to help our clients. They will assist in reducing your stress level and alleviate depression